Mark your calendars if you want to sleep well...

July Life Coach

CC #2: How To Sleep Better

Holistic changes you can introduce to your sleep life

This is such a cliché, but you spend about a third of your life sleeping. This is commonly used as a sales pitch for mattress salespeople to get you to think about investing in a high quality bed. Today, like a mattress salesman, I want you to think about investing in our second community class: How To Sleep Well.

Just like our last one, this class will also be on YouTube on Thursday August 24th at 8PM PST. Here is the link! Click the "Notify Me" button to get a notification on your app before it starts.

Sleeping is a topic dear to me because I spent years of my life wrestling with sleep and I know I'm not the only one who experienced these types of problems. To list the ailments I overcame:

  • Being so sensitive to everything that I needed dark curtains and earplugs to go to sleep
  • Waking up at the slightest movements from my wife or my dogs in the middle of the night, assuming the worst scenarios
  • Feeling super stressed out about not falling asleep on sleepless nights and having a disastrous day the next day
  • Judging myself for being lazy for napping, and feeling guilty after waking up from naps
  • Unregulated sleeps, causing me to wake up in the afternoons

And so much more. I have a wonderful relationship with sleep now and I strongly believe that has a lot to do with my overall happiness and health. I'm not going to just talk about mindset changes, I'm going to give you specific techniques and routines you can implement to your night so you can experiment with those.

So what are you waiting for? Click that link and mark your calendars! Because you deserve to feel well rested, regardless of how your night went!

Some other upcoming projects:

  1. In September my second book The Action Formula will be published! I will have preorder links when they're available. If you enjoyed our first community class (here's the link for that), you're going to love the book!
  2. I'm planning a mini course called The Romance Formula, which is all about how to invite more romance into your life. Even if you aren't looking for romance, this course will teach you how to get yourself to meet lots of people and how to act in order to have meaningful relationships. This will be a paid course at 9.99$ and I'll share more information when it's ready!
  3. I'm starting work on my third book How to deal with toxic people, and this book will teach you how to put on your hazmat suit in a world filled with toxicity. You will learn how to make yourself immune to toxicity so that you can be the one who starts saving the world! Again, I'll share more info on that when it's ready.

That's about it! As you can tell I'm going to be fairly occupied and I now have limited spots for 1:1 coaching. If you're on the fence about 1:1 coaching, now is the time to email me and ask for more information! Or if you're ready just schedule your consultation NOW!

Hope to see you or speak to you soon!


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Hi! I'm Billy, your life coach.

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